Under Angel Wings


Sunday, April 11, 2010

Tea Party Patriots Rally

                                                Garrett Tharp, Yuba-Sutter Tea Party Chairman

First off, let me just say that I don't care for politics. In fact I have always said that I "abhor"politics.  I just don't feel comfortable with activities that are divisive; I prefer to spend my time doing things that unite people. Only the gravest concern for the direction that our country is headed in could possibly drive me out of my warm and snuggy house on a cold and windy day!

After years of not being involved in politics, however, millions of us are coming out to voice our opinions on a wide range of issues. We are taking a stand for what this country used to stand for! What I like about the Tea Party Patriots is that by and large they are a respectful group of people who have worked hard all their lives and just want to be heard on what is important to them. They want government to listen to them!

Last year I attended the first Tax Day Rally on April 15th on the steps of the California State Capitol. There were 12,000 people there, and it was one of the nicest crowds I have ever seen. No one was disrespectful in any way that I saw, and I felt totally comfortable there. This Thursday a large group of us is headed down to Sacramento for Tax Day Rally II, barring any complications from the rainy spring weather we have been having lately.

The Tea Party Patriots don't endorse candidates, and the members come from all three political parties. The message is simple, and this is what we believe in, which is stated on the back of our t-shirts:
Free Markets
Fiscal Responsibility
Constitutionally Limited Government

FOX- 40 News showed up at the very end of the rally and caught some video of the event. I'm on there showing the simple message on the back of the t-shirt (we sold a ton of them yesterday), and my 1776 flag was flying in the prow of the "boat." I'm impressed that young people came out to support the cause as well...the chairman of our local group is Garrett Tharp, shown in a Patriot costume. For a 20 year old he has a really good grasp of the issues. We signed up pages of new members! I think the Tea Party Patriots of this country are going to be around for a long while!

Enjoy the video clip. Hopefully it will stay on my page at least for a short time. Please remember that there are no "sides" to the Tea Party movement!! Everyone of all parties, races, backgrounds, religions, ages and genders is welcome to join us.

Yuba-Sutter Tea Party Patriots

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